Every behaviour is a reaction to a real or perceived situation.
Processed as a thought which is just an energy plus content.
All you have to do is
remove the underlying energy behind the unwanted behaviour, that is deemed to be blocking the pathway to full potential. That’s what a behaviourist does. In the world of finance there is a saying ‘look after the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves. in the world of elite performance there is a saying ‘ look after the mind and the body will take care of itself.
Mind the Trap
It’s easy to fall into the trap of believing the best solutions and advise, always come from the highest qualified people using the best equipment in the perfect environment, just because it’s true if your expectations are limited to text book results.
Roger Banister was told it was told by the experts that it was humanly impossible to run a mile in under 4 minutes. When I was 5 years old my parents were told by the Doctor standing next to my still body on the hospital bed, that I had about 24 hours to live,
The moment your instinct as a parent Carer or owner, tells you, you should be getting more or less than the limits set by the environment your in, is the moment you need to step out of your comfort zone and turn over those stones you didn’t like the look of before.
Think ‘what is the real problem, what is preventing the best possible performance from surfacing’.
The answer will always be in the mind. The single blockage that prevents the flow of that tiny bit of magic that will make the difference has to be removed.
The skill that I have to be able remove mental blockages did not come from a text book. My thought is that it probably came from my Near Death Experience when I was 5. You don’t have to believe or be able to do it, you’ve just found someone who does and can. It can be the smallest adjustments that make the biggest differences.
A Remote Behaviourist could be a missing link between what your getting and anad what you believe you should be getting.
If you’re ready to take things to the next level, contact me
About me
Hi I’m Martin Briercliffe. My role
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